SGPA to Percentage

SGPA to Percentage: Converting Your AKTU Grades


If you’re an AKTU (Abdul Kalam Technical University) student, you’re likely familiar with the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) system. While SGPA offers a convenient way to track your performance within a semester, you might sometimes need to convert it to a percentage. This article explains the AKTU-specific method for converting SGPA to percentage.

The AKTU Conversion Formula

AKTU uses a specific formula to convert SGPA to percentage:

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

This means you take your SGPA, multiply it by 10, and then subtract 7.5 from the result.

Step-by-Step Calculation

  1. Obtain your SGPA: Find your SGPA on your official grade card or result sheet.
  2. Multiply by 10: Multiply your SGPA by 10. This essentially scales your SGPA to a 100-point system.
  3. Subtract 7.5: Subtract 7.5 from the result you obtained in the previous step.


Let's say your SGPA is 8.7.
Multiply by 10: 8.7 x 10 = 87
Subtract 7.5: 87 - 7.5 = 79.5
Therefore, your approximate percentage would be 79.5%.

Why Convert SGPA to Percentage?

There are several reasons why you might need to convert your AKTU SGPA to a percentage:

  • External Requirements: Some institutions, organizations, or even employers might require percentage scores for applications or eligibility criteria.
  • Personal Understanding: Many people find percentages easier to understand and relate to than SGPA. Converting your SGPA to a percentage can give you a better sense of your overall performance in a more familiar format.
  • Comparison (with caution): While direct comparison of grades across different systems should be done with caution, converting to a common metric like percentage can sometimes be helpful for a general understanding

Important Considerations

  • AKTU Specific: This formula is specific to AKTU. Don’t use it for converting SGPA from other universities. Always check with your institution for their specific conversion method.
  • Approximation: While this formula is widely used by AKTU, the resulting percentage is still an approximation. Grading systems can be complex, and a simple formula might not perfectly reflect the nuances of the evaluation process.
  • Official Information: Always refer to official AKTU resources for the most accurate and up-to-date information on SGPA to percentage conversion. Check the university’s website, student handbook, or contact the examination or academic department for clarification.

In summary, converting your AKTU SGPA to percentage is a straightforward process using the formula (SGPA x 10) – 7.5. However, remember that this formula is specific to AKTU and provides an approximation. Always consult official AKTU resources for the most accurate information.

AKTU’s Formula for CGPA to Percentage Conversion

AKTU has a specific formula for converting CGPA to percentage:

Percentage = (CGPA x 10) - 7.5

Let’s break it down:

  1. Find your CGPA: This is the overall grade point average you’ve earned across all semesters of your AKTU course. You’ll find it on your official academic transcript or marksheet.
  2. Multiply by 10: Multiply your CGPA by 10. This essentially scales your CGPA to a 100-point scale.
  3. Subtract 7.5: Subtract 7.5 from the result you got in the previous step. This is a constant value used in the AKTU formula to adjust the percentage.


Let's say your CGPA is 8.3.

Multiply by 10: 8.3 x 10 = 83
Subtract 7.5: 83 - 7.5 = 75.5

Therefore, your approximate percentage would be 75.5%.

In summary, converting your AKTU CGPA to percentage is a straightforward process using the formula (CGPA x 10) – 7.5. However, remember that this formula is specific to AKTU and provides an approximation. Always consult official AKTU resources for the most accurate information.

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